About Us
A bit about who we are and our vision
"To know God and to make Him known"
Our vision statement:
To know God and make Him known
How will we do this?
- By making disciples
- Being welcoming to all
- Creating a vibrant Christian community
- Making a difference in the local community
Biblical reference:
Mark 6:30-43
"It seems like an impossible task but Jesus feeds the crowd with the help of the disciples and a packed lunch!
Time of sunday service
We have a communion service once every month. Usually on the 2nd Sunday.
Children and Youth
There are groups available for children to go to during the service.
Tea and Coffee
Refreshments are served in the hall after the service.
What goes on at CGS...
Groups & Activities
(see calendar for dates)

Bible Study
– Fortnightly –
An opportunity to meet with a small group of Christians to share friendship, prayer and study the Bible together.

Prayer Group
– Fortnightly –
A time to come together to listen to God and pray for the needs of the world, the Church and others.

JOY (Just Older Youth)
– On Mondays every two weeks (term time only)
JOY (Just Older Youth)A group for over 60s. The session includes a craft activity, some light exercise and tea and biscuits

Cards for Life
– Monthly –
An opportunity to come together, share friendship and make cards based around the seasons of life and the year.

– Thursday Drop-ins –
A group drop-in session for those who don’t always find life easy. Head and shoulder massage available. Also a cuppa, chat and friendship. Trained listeners are available.

Drop-in Cafe
Wednesday drop-in cafe
Drop-in Café meets every Wednesday from 10.00am to 12.30pm in the church hall. There is always a good selection of cakes plus hot and cold drinks. All food and drinks are free but donations are welcome. Drop in any time, meet the team and stay for a cuppa and some company.
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